What is the negative side of fostering?

The foster care system was created to take temporary housing-required kids and place them with a family that could take care of their basic requirements. Children's stays in foster care can range from a few months to several years, depending on their needs. When parental rights have been willingly or involuntarily given up, some of these children eventually become eligible for adoption. In some cases, kids are only kept in foster care for a short while before they are reunited with their parents. For families that could be interested in foster adoption or who find it difficult to let go of a child after placement, there is a danger because the purpose of foster care is a reunion with parents. It is preferable to approach foster care with flexibility even if it will always cause uncertainty for the family it affects. Sending a child back to his original family may be a difficult decision for you if you have difficulty doing it. Ask your caseworker for advice on how to adapt to the e...