Hitachi third party maintenance

Thanks to Hitachi storage support services, the assistance you require for your infrastructure may be swiftly and readily defined. Thomastech provides several degrees of Hitachi support services so that you can concentrate on operational prospects. Multiple service levels can be combined to give the most advantageous alternatives for your company over a single, unified channel.

Target response times of same-day, two-hour, four-hour, and next-day are built for the deployment you need. We're committed to continuing to find and use the best tools, workable solutions, and innovations to support you in achieving your technological objectives. To guarantee that a Thomastech specialist is always accessible to support your service contract 24/7, global service centres have been placed strategically worldwide.

Today's business success is inextricably related to IT effectiveness. Thomastech Hitachi Maintenance lays the foundation for a forward-thinking business ready to take advantage of today's prospects and tomorrow's innovations.

Partnerships that offer end-to-end customised assistance built on the three pillars of reliability, scalability, and security are necessary to meet this demand and ensure success.

Enhanced Customer Response and Support

You will quickly recognise our advantages over your present Hitachi support contract when you think about switching. Our agile support, live chat, and round-the-clock technical assistance drastically reduce the time it takes to find the correct information to address your problem and minimise downtime.

You can concentrate more on your company's needs by moving your Hitachi storage systems to a third-party storage maintenance provider and letting them handle integration.

Within two hours, our highly skilled field engineers can be at your location with the components and expertise required to solve your problem swiftly, effectively, and affordably.

Hitachi Support Matrix

Hitachi AMS


• AMS500

• AMS1000

• AMS2100

• AMS2300

• AMS2500

Hitachi HUS





Hitachi RAID




• G1000

• GXX00

Support for Hitachi AMS

Enterprises thrive in today's digital economy by advancing their IT infrastructure to ensure it can handle data faster and more efficiently with Hitachi AMS hardware within the data centre. Our Hitachi AMS support provides extended break/fix support and software issue determination, enhancing IT agility and improving customer satisfaction.

Hitachi HUS Support

Thomastech collaborates with our clients who utilise Hitachi storage to develop a solution targeted towards their Hitachi HUS maintenance objectives. Our Hitachi HUS support increases your HUS storage's dependability, efficiency, and uptime by offering thorough break/fix assistance and software issue identification.

Thomas Tech's Hitachi support and maintenance services give you the IT agility you need to get the most out of your Hitachi investments. Top-tier internal Hitachi L3 Engineers maintain your data centre to support your hardware transition. By collaborating with Thomas Tech, your business may access the increased Hitachi storage flexibility, availability, and lower IT density it needs.


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