How long does it take to foster a child in Hillingdon UK?

Foster care is a temporary placement for kids and teenagers of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds who can't stay with their birth parents. A family member's illness, the dissolution of the family, issues at home, or a circumstance where their well-being is in danger can all be contributing factors. There are certainly many people who have endured neglect, abuse, or all three.

When you have decided to foster children or when you want to learn more about fostering, the first thing you need to do is fill out our online form and provide us with your information. We will be with you every step of the way as you pursue becoming a foster care provider.

How to become a foster carer in Hillingdon?

The procedure begins when you submit an application to become a foster parent. It is finished when the fostering organisation makes a decision. Up to 8 months could pass before the procedure is finished.

Speak with your neighbourhood community council or a private fostering organisation to apply to be a foster parent. You can only register with one fostering agency.

You are required to complete a fostering education course by the council or agency.

A Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check that has been upgraded with barred lists are required for any adults residing with you.

A social worker evaluates your household and you to determine whether you are qualified to care for a child.

You disclose any preferences you might have regarding the kids you'll be watching, such as their gender or age. Foster children are not eligible for trial terms and cannot be selected from a group of children.

Your application is reviewed by the foster care organisation. You must appear before their panel so that they can give a recommendation.

The foster care agency assesses and decides on your application.

In Hillingdon and much of the UK, UK Fostering is the fostering service provider of choice. People that are passionate about fostering make up our team. Being one of the last autonomous organisations in the UK makes us special. This enables us to collaborate with you more closely. If you want to foster a child in Hillingdon, UK Fostering is the best choice for you.

Because every member of the team is familiar with every family we work with and enjoys working and learning together, we are able to value you more and give you more support. Our staff at UK Fostering will respond to your questions and concerns right away.


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