What allowances do foster carers get?

A weekly fostering allowance is given to all foster parents to help defray the expense of raising a foster kid. This includes all out-of-pocket costs for food, clothing, hygiene, travel, and other expenses.

To recognize a foster carer's time, expertise, and experience, fee payments may be offered in addition to allowances. There is no necessity for fee payments. However, all foster caregivers receive an allowance. UK Fostering, however, believes that foster parents ought to be compensated for the essential service they perform. You must consider us if you are thinking of becoming a foster parent.

For foster parents to know which percentage of their fostering income should go toward caring for the child in their care and which piece is for the work they do, payments and allowances should be distinct and clearly labelled. Some fostering services, nevertheless, will offer a lump sum "financial package" that obscures the split.

Every year, UK Fostering verifies that the allowances provided by all local authorities in England, Wales, and health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland comply with national minimum standards and works to get any gaps filled.

There should be no financial burden on foster parents due to fostering. Foster caregivers should be consulted locally by fostering services to determine a tariff that covers all costs and keeps up with inflation.

We believe that:

Fostering allowances must be substantial enough to support foster parents financially and provide children with high-quality care. Fostered children should have a reasonable level of living that supports their wellness and development, receive the same treatment as other family members, fully engage in their community, and keep in touch with their family the right way.

Core allowances should cover the majority of expenses. Individual demands will require additional fees, but these should be kept to a minimum. The basic allowances must consider the diverse needs of foster families. Thus, they must apply to the spending habits of those with middle-class earnings. They shouldn't be set to the lowest possible level, reflecting the spending of the least wealthy households, nor should they do the opposite.

Foster parents should spend all their allowance on the child's care and other fostering-related expenses. Giving foster carers control over these finances is consistent with assigned responsibility. Thus they should have the freedom to manage their allowances.

Foster parents should be compensated for helping with ongoing costs between placements.

Every year, allowances should be evaluated and updated to reflect changes in expenses; at the very least, the yearly inflation rate should be used. A process of negotiation and consultation between services and foster carers should come before any adjustments are made. Due to the budgetary challenges affecting the bulk of services, allowances should be maintained.


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